Choosing  The Right Dentist
Dental Articles
The first thing to consider is a Dentist that truly cares about your dental health.  A good dentist will go above and beyond teeth and gums. This includes inspection of the teeth, gums, tongue, lips, inside of the cheek, palate, …
Veneers The Answer For Many.
Dental Articles
The number one reason for getting Veneers also known and Porcelain Veneers is having cracked or chipped teeth.  Veneers are very thin porcelain covers that are put on top of your natural teeth to change the shape, size and color …
Dental Filling Options
Dental Articles
Cavities are inevitable, so when it comes to dental fillings  you have a few options. The most popular that has been around for over 100 years is Amalgam.  Amalgam which is also known as the “silver filling” consists of a …